In the age of social media every professional athlete Twitter and Instagram “like” can set off the online rumor mill, so it’s no surprise that a conversation at the All-Star Game between massive free agent fish Kyrie Irving and Kevin Durant is drawing intense scrutiny and speculation.
The video of the convo has no audio, but that’s not stopping conspiracy theorists – and Knick fans – from arguing that Irving is pitching Durant on the idea of teaming up in New York in the hallway before ASG tip-off. Aside from gestures, some are alleging that Irving mouths the words “Two max slots” which would seem to reference the Knicks, who will the ability to sign two max players.
Is there something to this, or is this just bad internet lip reading creating a forest fire where there is none? You be the judge.
Kyrie Irving has been caught on video saying, “two max slots, it’s time” to Kevin Durant
— Basketball Forever (@Bballforeverfb) February 18, 2019